Organic Beauty & Health

Healing Crystals: Amethyst

Over the past year and a half, I have found myself immensely interested in healing crystals.  Healing crystals/stones are more than just something to look at, they can help us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. One of my favorite crystals is Amethyst. I was always attracted to this particular gem even before I became interested… Continue reading Healing Crystals: Amethyst

Natural Hair

Angelik Naturales Organic and Natural Skin & Lip Care

Over the past few months, I’ve been dedicating myself to my hobby-turned-small business.  Ever since cutting my hair off 14 months ago, I became more aware of the things I to was putting into my hair which naturally eventually led to becoming more aware of what I put on my body. I started experimenting and… Continue reading Angelik Naturales Organic and Natural Skin & Lip Care

Organic Beauty & Health

[DIY] EASY 3 Ingredient Body Butter

Hey Loves! For those of us on the East coast, we are unfortunately going through a winter storm that ‘s leaving us all feeling a little skin chapped. I don’t  know about you but I want my skin to stay moisturized even through the harsh winter winds. I also dislike all the additives that are in… Continue reading [DIY] EASY 3 Ingredient Body Butter